Fortis Escorts Heart Institute

Fortis Escorts Heart Institute has set benchmarks in cardiac care with path breaking work over the past 33 years. Today, it is recognised world over […]

Location: New Delhi

No of beds : 310

No of operation theatra :

No. of Surgeon : 200

Established in : 1988

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About Fortis Escorts Heart Institute

Fortis Escorts Heart Institute has set benchmarks in cardiac care with path breaking work over the past 33 years. Today, it is recognised world over as a centre of excellence providing the latest technology in Cardiac Bypass Surgery, Interventional Cardiology, Non-invasive Cardiology, Paediatric Cardiology and Paediatric Cardiac Surgery. The hospital is backed by the most advanced laboratories performing complete range of investigative tests in the field of Nuclear Medicine, Radiology, Biochemistry, Haematology, Transfusion Medicine and Microbiology.

Fortis Escorts Heart Institute has a vast pool of talented and experienced team of doctors, who are further supported by a team of highly qualified, experienced & dedicated support staff & cutting edge technology like the recently installed Dual CT Scan. Currently, more than 200 cardiac doctors and 1600 employees work together to manage over 14,500 admissions and 7,200 emergency cases in a year. The hospital today has an infrastructure comprising of around 310 beds, 5 Cath Labs besides a host of other world-class facilities.

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